5 Ways to Improve Your Business’ IT Security

If cybersecurity is something you’re thinking about in hindsight, think again. According to a report conducted by CyberSecurity Magazine, 43% of all data breaches involve small and medium-sized businesses. This means that almost half of the data breaches target smaller companies, many of which lack a strong cybersecurity protocol. The implications of this can range from moderate to severe for the health of a business. Don’t let this happen to you! We’ve outlined 5 ways to improve your business’ cybersecurity so you can lessen the likelihood of any cyber attack! There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach for IT business solutions. Some settings do well with a combination of in-house IT employees working in conjunction with an outsourced team to monitor network security, software, etc. While we encourage you to reach out and talk to an expert about the best approach, there are some items to consider when improving your company’s IT Security.

  1. Password Security
    A simple way to approach digital security starts with passwords. Many platforms offer vaults that ensure all passwords are protected and stored accordingly. One password leak can be detrimental to the health of a business, or worse, their clients. Password platforms help reduce risk and typically can be synchronized per user across multiple platforms, which creates efficiency among employees.

  2. Update Computers + Browsers Periodically
    Most digitally-focused departments are in the practice of installing updates as soon as they come, but not all employees know this. Ensure that the devices that all employees use are up to
    date on the latest software and security fixes.
    Most companies now have automated updates, but it’s definitely worth checking in with
    departments to make sure all computers and mobile devices associated with the company are
    installed with the latest updates. This simple fix protects you against hackers accessing data.

  3. Train Employees
    Digital security is an ever-changing landscape, and with the massive digital migration, some employees may not know the basic IT practices. Even if you outsource IT or have a designated IT person, educating your workplace on IT security is always a great idea! This training doesn’t have to be too rigorous or extensive. Teach the basics of red flags and how to avoid information leaks. Informed employees keep everyone safe and lessen the chance of a security breach.

  4. Limitations on Usage
    Keeping the above information in mind, it is important to note that not all employees should have access to backend information and passwords. The hierarchy would correspond with access, but even within a workplace, there should be parameters around who has access to what. Implement systems that only allow leadership positions to have certain access. It is also worth noting that there should always be awareness around sharing information with clients or people outside of the company.

  5. Outsource an IT Company
    At the end of the day, the expertise and technology an IT company provides prove to be an invaluable asset to the health of the business. By providing transparent, dependable IT solutions, services, and ultimately peace of mind to our growing customer base, we are a knowledgeable IT outsourcing partner. Neptune9 implements and provides software, hardware and networking support among many other things. Speak to an expert today to learn more about how we can protect your business and help improve your business’ security
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