The Importance of IT to a Small Business Owner

It’s easy to overlook the importance of setting up IT when you’re a small business. You might think that because you’re just starting out or only serving a small area, it’s not necessary to spend the time or money investing in all the bells and whistles. But what if we told you that there’s no business without those bells and whistles? When it comes to IT and small businesses, it’s easier – and far more cost-effective in the long run – to invest in IT management at the onset of your business rather than years later when expensive migrations are necessary to make everything uniform and able to scale. The fact of the matter is, that IT is a big part of what keeps small businesses up and running. And, whether it’s having someone in-house to service your IT needs or outsourcing the work, you have to make sure to dot all your i’s and cross all your t’s.

How Small is too Small?

The limit does not exist. If you’re making transactions, you have a need for IT management. IT isn’t just for the big stuff. Something as simple as a cash register can need IT maintenance. If that method of making transactions goes down, it can bring your business to a screeching halt. There are countless facets of business that IT can help you with. Do you need to run the communications side of your business? IT can help with that. Is your software or hardware slowing you down and putting your data security at risk? IT can help with that too. Want to take your business to the next level? IT is your new best friend.

Clear Lines of Communication

When you’re running a business, keeping in touch is imperative. Having reliable communication helps things run smoothly both internally and externally. Are your employees working remote? IT is key! You have to keep everyone on the same page and whether it’s keeping your systems and hardware up to date for virtual meetings or making sure you’re using the accounting software that’s right for you, IT maintenance keeps communication running smoothly and makes it possible for you to have a global workplace. IT communications can be as simple as downloading an app for intraoffice communications or as complex as setting up a system to let customers know when their packages are out for delivery. From communications to project management, IT helps you get it done.

Employee Productivity and Data Security

If it’s taking your employees longer than usual to run programs and open files, frustrations are sure to arise. Slow systems can lead to not only decreased employee

productivity; but also increased customer frustrations. A simple transaction that used to take a matter of seconds now takes several minutes or more! Not only that, a slow system can be indicative of a data breach. Security is a top priority for any business. Keep your information safe by keeping your systems up-to-date. It’s tough to recover from identity theft, and keeping your information secure will save you time and money in the long run. Slow transactions and delayed responses eventually lead to missed opportunities.

What could be worse than a lost opportunity? How about a lack of growth?

Growing, Growing, Grown

We know how rewarding growing a small business can be for everyone involved. With IT keeping all of your ducks in a row, it makes the climb a little easier. IT can help analyze data and track measurable growth in site traffic and/or in-person transactions. Having that information gives you helpful insight into what you’re doing right and what might need some work. By having optimized systems, effective communication, and reliable accounting and project management software, IT can help your business see real growth in real-time.

Running a Business of Any Size is Hard Work

IT and small business go hand in hand. By making sure all of your hardware is running properly, getting and keeping your software up-to-date, and keeping lines of communication open both internally and externally, IT can help you simplify your day-to-day operations. You’re never too small to run efficiently and that’s what Neptune9’s managed IT service is here to do. Call us today to learn more about the benefits of roping IT into your small business plan.

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